New! Rhinos and Black Panther, Kenya
Rhinos, Black Panther and other exotics, Laikipia, Kenya - March 2022

A private trip to Laikipia County in Northern Kenya. We stayed at two locations - Lewa Wilderness Lodge in Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, and Laikipia Wilderness Camp on Ol Donyo Lemborro Ranch. Lewa has had great success in recent years with threatened White and Black Rhinoceroses which thrive in this huge 20,000 acre conservancy - they have over 200 rhinos in total! It is also home to a number of exotic mammals which are indigenous to this part of Kenya, such as the Gerenuk and Grevy's Zebra. The second part of the trip was to Laikipia Wilderness Camp where we were exceedingly lucky to come across a 14-month old black panther (melanistic leopard) cub. Only active at night, we spent a huge number of hours scouring the area with a spotlight for this most elusive creature!

My thanks to Safari Consultants for once again organising a perfectly executed trip to Africa.
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